USS Potemkin NCC-76927-C
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Posted on Sun May 28th, 2023 @ 4:41am by Lieutenant Anya Bagh

392 words; about a 2 minute read

Shortly after her eventful shift assisting the Remans, Anya found her way to the holodeck. She had dressed for combat.

Entering in one of her older programs, she stepped in and readied her bat'leth. The scene was a mid nineteen nineties looking city alley, obviously not the good part of town. She was suddenly jumped by 2 randomly generated humans, slightly larger than her. She swiftly disposed of them, using her weapon to throw one into the other.

A third grabbed her from behind. She shifted her body to the side, elbowed them in the solar plexus, stepped on their insole then ducked to throw them over her back. They landed near a dumpster, hitting their head in the process.

The next being she saw was a humanoid female child, appearing about nine or ten. She cowered near the dumpster. Anya held her position, glancing around for any other attackers, before putting her bat'leth on her back.

"Out here again, Niavra?"
The child nodded, stepping out of the shadows. Her unkempt, black hair fell slightly over her grubby face. Anya offered her hand to the girl.
"We need to find you a better place to read."
"But the boys always find me and take my books if I don't get out of there" Niavra looked down, her coal colored eyes starting to fill with tears.

"Miss Brunhilde would take them too, if she knew you were out here at this hour. Let's get back before she knows we're gone."

Anya took the girl's hand and they started walking back out of the alley. Niavra's other hand clutched a book. It's cover was worn down, obviously well used over the years.

"Computer, freeze program." Anya uttered and looked at Niavra, the motionless girl looking downtrodden still. She cradled Niavra's cheek gently
"I should have done more, Niavra. I'm sorry. I should've fought those boys harder for you..."
A tear fell down Anya's cheek. She sniffled a bit then composed herself again.

"Computer, end program."

She took a deep breath, blinked back more tears, and made her way out of the holodeck. She wandered back to her quarters, readied herself for bed as if in a half awake trance.

She searched over her suitcase, finding a book with a worn down cover. She curled up in bed, reading the book while drifting off to sleep.


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Tags: Anya, fight, book, backstory

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