USS Potemkin NCC-76927-C

Specifications - USS Potemkin



Class Akira
Role Exploration


Length 464.43m
Width 316.67m
Height 87.43m


Officers 53
Enlisted Crew 428


Cruise Speed Warp 9.27
Maximum Speed Warp 9.95+
Emergency Speed Warp 9.95+ (1 hour)

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields Standard Deflector Shields; Metaphasic & Ablative Capabilities

The deflector system is the primary defensive system on all classes of starships. It is a series of powerful deflector shields that protect both the spacecraft and its crew from both natural and artificial hazards. The shields of the Akira-class starships operate using a nutational device known as the Nutational Shield 3.8. Every ten seconds, the shield modulations changes. This greatly affects the shield efficiency of these ships.

The Akira-class starships are also equipped with a metaphasic shield, which allows the ships to remain in a sun's corona for periods of up to 28 hours. The metaphasic shield allows the Akira-class vessels to study a sun's corona very thoroughly.

The USS Potemkin C is equipped with the new impact-sensitive ablative shielding, recently upgraded to improve system endurance. This system is comprised of 97 small emitters placed over the outer hull which focus secondary energy at the point of impact of a foreign object. When a hostile energy burst is detected approaching an area of the hull, the emitters and sensor systems calculate the point of impact and focus resistant energy in that location, effectively increasing shield strength at that point by approximately 175% and reducing the force of impact by nearly 64%. The system is able to handle up to 8 simultaneous hits for up to three minutes, after which the system has shown to loose effectiveness in computer models. The system has shown to be only partially effective against torpedo-type weapons, reducing the yield of these weapons to approximately 78% of maximum.
Weapon Systems The Potemkin-C incorporates three new weapon systems. They include the pulse phaser array, the phaser cannon and the tricobalt device.

The Pulse Phaser Array is a modified hull plate, made up of an 8m x 8m Targanide crystal, which is put in place of the original hull plate. Targanide crystals were discovered to have the ability to absorb and release large amounts of energy faster, and can also contain the energy longer. They also distribute energy faster than LiCu518 (crystal used in normal phasers).

The control between the panel and the targeting system runs through 150 small inter linked power distribution nodes, giving the panel the ability to fire from every point on the panel, through a sixty degree arc. Use of these nodes has decreased the response time for power transfer to 0.002 seconds. The distribution nodes are located on the back of the crystal panel, and determine the best location for the beam to be emitted from, depending on the target's location and distance.

This panel fires four short bursts of phased energy. Each burst is 15 NA (nanoseconds) in duration with a delay of .03 seconds between bursts. The maximum output of each individual burst is 9.4 MW. The Panel will fire four set of bursts with a 0.01 second delay between each burst before going into a 10 second reset phase. The Chief Tactical station can override this rest phase, but this will cause the panels molecular structure to degrade, rendering it inoperable in approximately in 25 seconds.

The Phaser Cannon, or most commonly known as the Disruptor Cannon collects a large amount of phased energy and bundles it in a cohesive shell. This shell is either magnetic or graviton based; however, over distance it does dissipate, leaving the phased energy to escape into space, rendering it harmless. The cannon uses a pulse modulated graviton shell to hold the phased energy together, the energy itself being fed directly from the warp engines [instead of from batteries supplied by the warpcore].

The design of the Tri-Cobalt device is highly unique in the Alpha Quadrant. It uses a three- tier warhead. One compartment is loaded with antimatter, one with around 14 Quantum filaments, and another with appropriate amount of Tri-Cobalt. Upon impact, a number of particle collisions and energy reactions occur within the warhead. Firstly the Quantum filaments are released into the Tri-Cobalt chamber creating a cascade reaction, mixing the Tri-cobalt into a highly volatile mixture. A millisecond later the magnetic containment field around the antimatter is released and the active Tri-Cobalt and antiproton bundle mix together creating a lethal explosion.

The Standard Photon Torpedo has been in use now for over 100 years--their design has changed very little although their targeting systems have. They carry a standard load of 50% Matter [slush deuterium ion] and 50% Antimatter [antiprotons]. The resultant explosion of the collision can result in varying degrees of damage to starships.

The Quantum Torpedoes use artificial Quantum Filaments as a power source. A Quantum Filament is a natural source of energy found in space. It has no mass and if triggered just right can release almost astronomic amounts of energy. Using reading taken by science teams studying natural filaments, the designers created small artificial filaments. What makes a Quantum torpedo so powerful is that the warhead contains 50-100 small artificial filaments. These can be powerful. Something that could be loaded into a torpedo when their made and remain stable throughout a mission. The designers found such a power source in the form of the Quantum Filament.

The Tactical Weapons Module (TWM) is located on the "roll bar" of the ship. It houses the Phaser Cannon and a Torpedo Launcher. The Phaser Cannon and the TWM Torpedo launcher are mounted on an omni-directional mount. The mount can swivel in a full 360ยบ circle givening complete coverage by these weapons. The (TWM) is just one of many possible "roll bar" modules that can be attached at any major Starbase.

Advanced Multitasking Threat Assessment/Tracking/Targeting/Weapons Control System THWAPS (Tactical Hazard, Weapon Assessment Protocol System)

3 Torpedo Launchers:
2 Fwd-Ventral
1 Aft-Dorsal

7 Type XIII Phaser Arrays: 7.9 MW Max output 435,000 KM Max effective range
2 Fwd-Ventral
2 Fwd-Dorsal
1 Aft-Dorsal
1 Aft-Ventral [Pt Nacelle]
1 Aft-Ventral [Stbd Nacelle]
1 Pulse Phaser array Type VI [Fwd Saucer]

Weapons Module:
Offensive System: Enhanced Energy Packaging Complex
1 Quantum Torpedo Launcher
1 Phaser Pulse Cannon
Armament Maximum Torpedo Complement: 700 Total
Quantum: 300
Photon: 380
Tri-Cobalt Devices: 20

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttles 10 Mark IX Shuttlepods:
SP Hydrogen , SP Helium , SP Lithium , SP Beryllium , SP Boron , SP Carbon , SP Nitrogen , SP Oxygen , SP Fluorine , SP Neon

3 Type 6 Workbees:
WB 266, WB 267, WB 268

2 Type 7 Workbees:
WB 269, WB 270

5 Type 5 Workpods:
WP Alpha, WP Beta, WP Gamma, WP Delta, WP Epsilon

6 Type 9 Shuttlecraft:
Babbage, Greenblatt, Hollerith, Lovelace, Turing, Von Neumann

4 Type 10 Shuttlecraft:
Mendelev, Bohr, Rutherford, Thompson

6 Type 11 Shuttlecraft:
Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, Heinlein (stolen), LeGuin, Niven

1 Captain's Gig (Type 11 Shuttlecraft):
Fighters 2 Starfleet Fighter Craft, Valhalla Class:
Saladin, Belisarius
Runabouts 1 Yellowstone-class Runabout:
USS Tiber (NCC-85215)