USS Potemkin NCC-76927-C
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Posted on Fri Mar 1st, 2024 @ 1:17am by Lieutenant JG Ezrin Ezee & Doctor Teagan Ceja
Edited on on Fri Mar 1st, 2024 @ 1:17am

584 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Joint Logs
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Approximately 24 hours after the events of "Fides"

Set approximately 24 hours after the events of “Fides”

Ezrin floated in a pleasant, twilit place. Gradually, sensations began to penetrate, beginning with an aching burn in their chest. They pinched light-sensitive eyes against the brightness overhead, the muted sounds of machines nearby, the insistent pain in their lungs, and tried to claw their way back into unconsciousness. This proved to be futile, so, they painfully opened their eyes, trying sluggishly to turn their head away from the bright above.

“Computer, dim lights to 25 percent,” a soft voice said in the background of the room.

Ceja walked into the isolation room, and quickly checked the screen above Ezee’s bed. She nodded, pleased with what she saw there.

“Hey Ezrin,” she said quietly. “I had the lights at 50%, but it looks like that’s still too bright for you right now. Your chest is going to be tight for a little bit longer. But only a few hours at most, given the progress you’ve made already. We have all the bumps and bruises taken care of. So that’s the boring stuff. How are you?”

It took a moment or three for Ezrin to answer. They swallowed, their tongue feeling a few sizes too big for their mouth, but they looked up into Ceja’s familiar face. “N..Nnjkje knnsd.” They said thickly, it taking another moment for them to remember the words in Standard. “....bridge-talk-friend. Ez...Ezrin asks if you are really being here?” They asked, coughing a little on the words, but finding the pain already less than it had been when they’d first awoken.

Ceja smiled and wiggled her fingers a bit where Ezrin could see them, before gently touching their hand.

“I’m real. Same person who was at your ascension ceremony. Keeper of Sickbay, and friend of dolphins. Who are very worried about their non swimming friend.” She kept her hand still for a moment, before lifting it again.

Ezrin winced a bit at the mention of swimming, reaching for her hand when she went to take it away, holding it tightly, as if afraid it might vanish if they let go. “Ezrin asks if small-beings are being here also?”

“All of them,” Ceja reassured them. “And a few more than we were missing. You protected them, and you gave us the time we needed to bring you home.”

Ezrin nodded at that, relieved, but it was short lived, and worry pinched across their face. “Ezrin says we are hearing rough-hands-mean-beings having sayings about a being on ship-home-Potemkin who is helping them with happenings. Ezrin says we are needing to be speaking to captain-being.” They tried to sit up.

Ceja laid a hand on Ezrin’s chest, firmly stopping the movement.

“All taken care of,” she said. “I’ll tell you about it all tomorrow. Your lungs will be clear by then, and you’ll be able to go back to your quarters.”

She grinned at the look on Ezrin’s face. “Alright, alright. I will tell you this. The person who was a spy for Julian, volunteered that information to TJ. The rest will wait until tomorrow.”

Ezrin considered that. They knew Teagan would not wait if the situation was urgent, and perhaps the pressure they were feeling was more of a reaction to recent happenings than anything else. They made an effort to relax. Then they looked up at Teagan with a resolute expression. “Ezrin asks when is being next pick-nick with no-legs-swim-friends?”

~End Log~


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